Untitled (Sonnenbad am Straßenrand)


Untitled (Sonnenbad am Straßenrand)

Wandfarbe, Acryl, Kreide, Bleistift auf 3 Pressspanplatten 18mm.
Fineliner, Bleistift, Wasser auf 8 x Zeichenpapier A2
Bleistift, Zeichenpapier
Acryl, Kreide auf Karton
Acryl, Kreide auf Karton
Holz, Pappe, Sandwichplatten
Holz geschnitzt, Weiße Farbe, Gipssockel
Holz, Pappe, Farbe
Acryl, Spachtel auf Holzplatte
Acryl auf gespachtelter Holzfaserplatte
Acryl auf gespachtelter Leichtstoffplatte
Acryl auf beschichteter Holzplatte 5mm, rückseitiger Kiefernholz Rahmen
Acryl auf Karton
Modeliermasse, Torf, Gips, Kupferstab, Farbe
Holz, Farbe, Naturmaterialieren.
Gips, Holzfaserplatte, Graupappe
Acryl auf Leinwand
Acryl auf Graupappe, rückseitiger Kiefernholzrahmen
Acryl auf beschichteter Holzplatte 5mm, rückseitiger Kiefernholz Rahmen
Acryl auf Leinwand
Erde, Gips, Holz, Papier, Moos, Kresse, Wasser
Fineliner, Zeichenpapier
Fineliner, Zeichenpapier

Work with me

Coming Soon…WIP

Coming Soon…WIP

Coming Soon…WIP


Hello, I’m Ferdinand, an architectural designer based in Vienna and Zurich, with an interdisciplinary approach encompassing architecture, landscape, art, and graphic design. My work focuses on the transitions between built and natural environments, exploring the spatial and ecological processes that shape landscapes and cities. I combine creative, scientific, and artisanal methods to reveal complex relationships in space, material, and time.

I’m particularly interested in hybrid landscape spaces, the reinterpretation of gardens, narrative mapping techniques, and experimental material studies. My practical experience spans various crafts—from woodworking and metal construction to prototype development and specialized dismantling—allowing me to merge theoretical design strategies with a deep fascination for materials, structures, and construction processes.

I perceive landscapes not merely as physical surroundings but as living archives of geological, cultural, and climatic processes. In my projects, I speculate on the ambivalent relationship between humans and the environment, crafting visual and spatial narratives to make these complex connections tangible. My workflow seamlessly integrates architecture, design, art, and natural sciences, utilizing diverse media—from drawing and cartography to model making, digital tools, and analog design methods.

This website serves as an ongoing archival project to store, contextualize, and exhibit past and current works and experiments. My portfolio offers a glimpse into my previous projects, reflecting my areas of interest and aesthetic language. For more information and materials on each project, please explore the respective sections on my website.

For inquiries or collaborations, feel free to contact me at ferdinand@klopfer.studio.

Diploma Presentation. Mehrzwecksaal, Semperdepot. Januar, 2023

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